Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

Hate Speech Overcoming

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning everyone! Thank you for coming on this occasion.
Ladies and gentlemen on this modern era we didn’t strange anymore by the internet media right? There are so many internet application that develop at this time such as; facebook, twitter, path, instagram and etc. Actually do you know what the main purpose of that social media is? Yeah, juts for sharing about something that we would share. Nowadays people are freely to upload the entire thing that they want not the thing that they need, just an easy example that we meet every day. We often saw the people that just complain about their life all the time. Is that important for the people who read it? Absolutely not. And there are also the people who publish about something that they didn’t like and they write down the caption with the unwilling words or hate speech. Of course it will hurt the sides who related to this. To know what is hate speech, the example of hate speech and how to overcome hate speech, so today I will deliver a speech about ”Hate Speech Overcoming”.
Let’s start with the first one. What is Hate Speech?
Hate speech is communication acts which doing by a person or a group on the provocation, instigation, or insulting term to another person or a group in several aspects such as; race, skin color, ethnic, gender, physical defect, sexual orientation, religion and etc.
On law meaning, hate speech is a word, treat, text, or show that forbidden because they would cause violence and prejudice attitude from the agent side or the victim from the incident. The website which used or applied the hate speech is called hate site. Most of the site used the internet forum and news to clarify on the certain viewpoints.
Hate speech used to giving a critic silently to the social wisdom in a hurry that implemented badly and seemed to be right in politic.
Then the second is Hate Speech example
Hate speech happen on the internet world and on the real life
1. On the Mirabito’s book “The New Communication Technology” said that there are 12.000 internet users that became the wickedness on the internet about ethnic, race, orientation, religion and gender.
2. A 19th years old boy that used a computer on his school for sending an email which contain a murder menacing for 62 students who became from Asian-American generation.
3. The problem of Jero Wacik Minister harassed the Independence Journalism Alliance (AJI) criticizes the statement of the Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Jero Wacik. Speech in front of the ex-employees Gas and Oil Implementer Corporation judged harassed the journalist. Eko Maryadi the AJI moderator reputed the Jero style treats the journalist like he is the ruler. Jero treat the press like they can be controlled by money and power
Then the last is Hate Speech Overcoming
The terrorism observer from Intelligent Institute Wowiek Prasantyo said that the government and the legislative assembly should make a hate speech law in order to stop the radicalism spreading.
Terrorism Overcoming National Corporation Head (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai also agreed that for the people who spread hate speech should be followed up, he said that as long as the radicalism can’t be overcome, the terrorism still exist here.
So, to overcome hate speech there should be awareness that freedom of speech, idea and though that doesn’t mean to give a space for everyone to do hate speech. Don’t just because hate speech has not arranged by the law, will make us do everything without reason instead and feel free from the law prosecuting. Law is also an ethic that should be protected   so indirectly the thing is became the law norm that should be obeyed and applied by the society.
Okay we have known about hate speech meaning, then the example of hate speech and how to overcome hate speech. What should we do after knew this information? Of course be careful about the words that you say. Thank you for your attention. Good morning and Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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